ProjectItem.Parameters operator




VBScript の例

' This example demonstrates how to access the parameters directly associated with a cube 
' (ie., these do not include the parameters defined on properties associated with the cube).
NewScene , false
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
for each oParam in oCube.Parameters
        Application.LogMessage oParam.FullName
' Expecte result:
'INFO : cube.Name
'INFO : cube.kine.local.blendweight
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.roty
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.quatw
'INFO : cube.kine.local.quatx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.quaty
'INFO : cube.kine.local.quatz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.sclx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.scly
'INFO : cube.kine.local.sclz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.sclorix
'INFO : cube.kine.local.scloriy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.scloriz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.cnsscl
'INFO : cube.kine.local.cnsori
'INFO : cube.kine.local.cnspos
'INFO : cube.kine.local.affbyscl
'INFO : cube.kine.local.affbyori
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posxmaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posxminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posymaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.posyminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.poszmaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.poszminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotxmaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotxminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotymaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotyminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotzmaxactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotzminactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.siscaling
'INFO : cube.kine.local.rotorder
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pivotactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pposx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pposy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pposz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.protx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.proty
'INFO : cube.kine.local.protz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.psclx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pscly
'INFO : cube.kine.local.psclz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pivotcompactive
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcposx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcposy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcposz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcrotx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcroty
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcrotz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcsclx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcscly
'INFO : cube.kine.local.pcsclz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nposx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nposy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nposz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nrotx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nroty
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nrotz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nsclx
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nscly
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nsclz
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nsclorix
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nscloriy
'INFO : cube.kine.local.nscloriz
'INFO : cube.polymsh.geom.subdivu
'INFO : cube.polymsh.geom.subdivv
'INFO : cube.polymsh.geom.subdivbase
'INFO : cube.cube.length